Advocacy Service Aberdeen can help you feedback your views on services within the city, so providers can learn from your experience.
Advocacy Service Aberdeen can help you feedback your views on services within the city, so providers can learn from your experience.
We are currently collecting experiences from people and/or their carers who have been through the local Adult Support and Protection process. If you would like to share your experience with us so we can feedback your views to the council.
Please click on the link relevant to you and fill in the form.
Download the Adult Support and Protection booklet below.
We are currently collecting experiences from people who have been through the MARAC process. If you would like to anonymously share your experience with us so we can feedback to local domestic abuse partnership work and MARAC steering groups. It is hoped that the feedback will help innovate systems and the the way victims of domestic abuse experience support in Aberdeen.
Please click on the link and fill in the form.
Download the advocacy flyer below.
Tel: 01224 673 200
Address: Willowbank House, Willowbank Road, Aberdeen, AB11 6YG.