

Our carers advocacy worker works with unpaid Carers.


S.1 of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 defines a carer as an individual who provides or intends to provide care for another individual (the “cared-for-person”). Caring does not have to be regular or substantial and carers do not have to be related to, or live with, the person they care for.


Our carers advocacy worker can help with:

  • Education issues
  • Health & social care issues
  • Signposting e.g. benefits
  • Help to access legal services
  • To know your rights and options
  • Accompany you to meetings and appointments


Our Carers Advocacy Worker can:

  • Be there to help support you at any meetings in connection with your caring role
  • Can also help you speak up for yourself, or speak on your behalf if required
  • They work with you but not instead of you and can help support you and help you understand what is happening at professional meetings which you may feel are daunting
  • They can help you write letters of complaint and assist you to understand forms
  • They can help you find a solicitor if you need one e.g. applying for guardianship or Power of Attorney
  • The process is led by you and we work at your pace. We will only attend meetings and appointments you want us to

Without the help of advocacy my daughter wouldn't be in the place she is today

ASA Client

My advocacy worker helped me to understand all the paperwork

ASA Client

It really helped that my advocacy worker was independent as I have been judged in the past

ASA Client